Ok Eyre heads.... since so many of you are dragging your feet on starting your own blog, I have started an Eyre family blog, and you have all been invited to be authors. This way, we can all post about our own happenings, post pics, and the likes, and at the end of the year we can print in into a book. Bada boom, bada bing- our family history is done for the future generations, pics and journaling all in one. Oh the blessedness of technology.
There is only ONE thing that threatens to thwart this good effort- a lack of participation! So play around, and call for tutorials if you need, but do something and start posting!
Logistical things to discuss: Dad and I just spent way too much time trying to find an adorable backround... no such luck, so anyone who finds a cute one, throw it on. Also, currently we are open to public viewing. We can change it to private, but anyone that wants to see the blog has to be invited via email. But until we decide on going private- DO NOT LIST LOCATIONS!! If everyone is more comfortable with private, let me know and I'll change it. That's all I can think of for now.